PTA Meeting for first year BCA parents and students on 17/10/2020

The Department of Computer Application Organized PTA Meeting for first year BCA Parents and Students on 17/10/2020. The program mainly focused to give detail about NASC facility, rules & regulation, BCA programme objective and student life at NASC. The PTA presentation about the placement companies, placement details of last year , placement opportunities, facility of our college, Internal and External Mark system and evaluation, Attendance ,Online Classes, Association activities, various clubs and centres, students progression and responsibility of the parents with their children’s education. Around 87 students along with their parents attended the meeting.

Outcome of the Event

The Parents understood the details of college facilities, BCA programme objectives, online classes and department online activity towards the upcoming academic year.

xouzia 2020

The Department of Computer Application organized XOUZIA V.3– an Exhibition cum Intra Collegiate Symposium on 13/02/2020 in II Floor, A Block. The Event was inaugurated by Dr. B. Anirudhan, Principal. and Dr. N. Shani, Head, Department of BBA felicitated the gathering. Dr. V. Chitraa Dean & Head Department of BCA greeted the gathering. The main objective of the program is to motivate the students to participate in various events like Poster making, Sudoku, Virtual carom, Trouser hunt, Face painting, Spell Bee, Project model. More than 500 students were participated, proved their talents and won cash prize, momentos and certificates. Ms H. Bhargath Nisha, Assistant Professor & Sridhar S, III BCA were organized program.