Coaching on Competitive Exam for NID,NIFT,UCEE,DCEED

Coaching on Competitive Exam for NID,NIFT,UCEE,DCEED

The Department of Costume Design and Fashion has organized Coaching on Competitive Examination for NID / NIFT / UCEED / CEED on 19.10.2023 for 52 Participants and Mr. Dharmendra, CEO, GOS Institution, Coimbatore acted as the resource person. He also explained the exam patterns, syllabus, and selection criteria of each exam in National Institute of Design (NID), National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), Undergraduate Common Entrance Exam for Design (UCEED), and Common Entrance Exam for Design (CEED). He also explained entrance exams by creating a solid understanding of design concepts, creativity, problem-solving skills, and visual aptitude. 

Outcome of the Event: The program helped the students to select the areas of interest which are closely intertwined with the design field and provided valuable insights and opportunities for growth.