Webinar on the topic “Drug Nanocarriers for Cancer Treatment | 15-10-2020

Department organized National Webinar on the topic “Drug Nanocarriers for Cancer Treatment” on 15-10-2020 at 3.00 PM, via online platform. Dr. I. V. Muthu Vijayan Enoch, Associate Professor & Technology Head, Centre for Nanoscience and Genomics, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences was the resource person for the webinar. Students, researchers and faculty members were highly benefited by the webinar.

  • Department of Biochemistry organized a National webinar on “Natural Immunity Boosters” 14-05-2020. Dr. S. Gowri, Professor and Head Department of Biochemistry, Dr. NGP Arts and Science College was the resource person. 150 students and faculties were benefited.
  • Department of Biochemistry organized one-week long awareness campaign about “Covid-19 Outbreak” to all departments of Nehru Arts and Science College. Dr. Pratheesh P T., HOD presented the awareness to staff and students.
  • Awareness campaign about cancer was organized by the department as a part of “World Cancer day celebration” on 4th February 2020.
  • Department of Biochemistry organized awareness campaign about diabetes as a part of “World Diabetes Day” celebration 14th November 2019.

Awareness campaign about Cancer

Department of Biochemistry, Nehru Arts and Science College have organized an awareness campaign about Cancer, its causative agents and natural preventive measures on 04-02-2020 as a part of World cancer day 2020. The campaign was inaugurated by Principal NASC, Dr. B Anirudhan. Students and staffs of the college were benefited by the campaign.