Webinar on “Mind Your Mind” in the Digital Era | 09-07-2021

The Center for Rural Development and National Service Scheme of Nehru Arts and Science College organized Webinar on ““Mind Your Mind” in the Digital Era”. Dr. B. Anirudhan, Principal, NASC presided over the session. Dr. P. Nathiya, Director, Center for Rural Development welcomed the gathering. Chief Guest, Dr. B. Lakshmi Shanthi, Consultant Pediatrician & Adolescent Physician, Coimbatore. She discussed on the development of the technologies in the academic aspects, how it affects the teacher and students in a positive and negative way, due to what type of behavioural modifications or manipulations are happening between the younger generations, how the teaching community have to tackle these type of problems and finally, how the stress has to be managed by everyone due to digitalization. Dr. D. Vimal Kumar NSS Programme Officer, Unit III and convener of the event hosted the meeting and thanked the Chief Guest for her deliberate speech and also thanked the NSS volunteers participants for participating and gaining knowledge on how to manage the stress due to digitalization.

Outcome of the Event:
The speech of the resource person gives knowledge about the positive and negative impacts of online classes, the behaviors of the students and teachers during the online classes. And also she explained how to handle this issue in a right path with right approach. She gave suggestions to avoid the over usage of social medias for both the teachers and students. She offered the do’s don’ts of technology utilizations. Overall, she provided an eye opener session for the stress management in this pandemic situation.