Non- Teaching Staff Refresher Programme on 24.11.2021

The Department of Costume Design and Fashion with Fiona Paulson.T, Assistant Professor, CDF organized Professional Development Programme for non-teaching staff by K. Mayilsamy, Darshini Sewing Tech Solutions on “Power Sewing machine Maintenance and Services” on 24.11.2021 for K. Pushpaja (Lab Assistant) CDF, at Department Sewing Lab, NASC. Basic machine service cleaning and replacing the needle part of the machine, assembling the machine. Machine adjustment, proper maintenance, cleaning, oiling, and lubricating was demonstrated by K. Mayilsamy and Hands-on training was given to K. Pushpaja.


The knowledge on Regular preventive maintenance procedures to ensure the machines are in good condition, function smooth, troubleshoot machine associated problems, and change machine parts when required was attained.