Marketing Utsav “Sellout 20”

Marketing Utsav “Sellout 20”

NEFMA (Nehru Future Managers Association) of BBA department conducted marketing Utsav-‘SELLOUTS’20 on 13.02.2020 & 14.02.2020, at Volley Ball Court. Our CEO and Secretary Dr.P.Krishnakumar inaugurated the Marketing Utsav. Dr. B. Anirudhan, Principal, NASC initiated the first sales. Students of various departments of our college visited and purchased the products in the marketing Utsav-‘SELLOUTS’2020. The event Co-ordinators were Ms. M. Sathiya and Ms. T. Sudha. Assistant Professors.

Outcome of the Event:

Students understood the importance of marketing and selling of product. It is part of Entrepreneurial learning.