IPR Webinar On “Patent Filing And Processing” : 30/12/2020

The Department of Microbiology, Nehru Arts and Science College has organized IPR webinar on Patent Filing and Processing on 30/12/2020. The program was inaugurated with the welcome address by Dr. R. Vijayaraghavan, Professor & Head, Department of Microbiology, NASC. The presidential address of the program was delivered by Dr. B. Anirudhan, Principal, Nehru Arts and Science College. Technical Session was initiated with the talk on Patent Filing and Processing by following the technical session and presentation by the resource person, the session was concluded with a vote of thanks rendered by Dr. S. Meenatchisundaram, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, NASC

The Department of Biotechnology, Nehru Arts and Science College has organized One day IPR webinar on “Patent Filing and Processing” on 30/12/2020. The program was inaugurated with the welcome address by Dr. R. Vijayaraghavan, Head of the Department, Department of Microbiology, NASC. The presidential address of the program was delivered by Dr. B. Anirudhan, Principal, Nehru Arts and Science College. Technical Session was initiated with the talk by Dr. Anand Prem Rajan, Associate Professor (Senior), School of Biosciences and Technology, Vellore Institute of Technology University, Vellore. Following the technical session and presentation by the resource person, the session was concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. S. Meenatchisundaram, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, NASC.

The term patent application refers to the legal and administrative proceedings of requesting the issuance of a patent for an invention, as well as to the physical document and content of the description and claims of the invention, including its procedural paper work. The first of those—the request for a legal privilege to which the applicant is entitled if the application is well founded—is temporal by its nature. It ceases to exist as soon as the application is withdrawn or refused, or a patent is granted. The informational content of the document as filed (or in other, prosaic words, the piece of paper), is a historical fact that persists and exists in perpetuity. The expression “application” is often employed without being conscious of its ambiguity. The expression is capable of misleading even experienced professionals.

The outcome of the Event

The participants learned and understood what can be patented, difference between publication vs. patent, what are parts of patent and its process, Types of patents, Hoe does one can obtain patent during the session.