International Webinar – Microbiome – Translating Science To Society : 20.06.2020


Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore Department of Microbiology Organized International webinar on 20.06.2020 through online mode. Dr. J. Rathinamala, Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology welcomed the gathering and insisted the students to interact with the resource person and get benefitted . Dr. B. Anirudhan, Nehru Arts and Science College felicitated the gathering and insisted the students to get exposed through online mode. Dr. P. Krishnakumar, CEO & Secretary, Nehru group of institutions presided over the function and he congratulated the team for taking effort by the department and it should continue for the benefit of the students. Dr S Meenatchsundaram, Director of R&D gave introduction about our resource person Dr. Ponmurugan Karuppiah. The International Webinar was handled by Dr. Ponmurugan Karuppiah, Department of Botony and Microbiology, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The session was emphasised on Microbiome.