The Department of Biotechnology, Nehru Arts and Science College has organized A day webinar on “Bio-entrepreneurs: the road now taken” on 06/11/2020. The program was inaugurated with the welcome address by Dr. R. Vijayaraghavan, Head of the Department, Department of Biotechnology, NASC. The presidential address of the program was delivered by Dr. B. Anirudhan, Principal, Nehru Arts and Science College. Technical Session was initiated with the talk by M. S. Srinidhi, Proprietor, HERBLYS RITTUALSS, Coimbatore. Following the technical session and presentation by the resource person, the session was concluded with a vote of thanks rendered by Dr. Boobal R., Organizing Secretary of the program.
Biosciences in the entrepreneurial component encompass the realization of ideas and concepts that arise from biology and other science fields having more knowledge about its product to identify and solve problems. Bioscience fields booming to the real outcomes under entrepreneurship allowing the introduction of advanced technologies and products to i) encounter and cure diseases in drug production, in biomedical devices, ii) Food processing and production, iii) Enzyme production, iv) Agriculture and technologies, v) production of biobased polymers, vi) technologies promoting conservation of the environment and climate protection. Bioentrepreneur develops an idea leading to an invention and sharing it to the society for the people and getting benefited back. The resource person carried out the session in a very fundamental manner to thrust levels and made understand the concepts of start-ups, business development modules, investment procedures, financial and promotional fulfillment to the bioscience audience and a relative manner to involve the students’ doubts and confusions, giving the clarity to those who are interested in the start-up, however, achieved the goal of the program.
Outcome of the Event
Bio-entrepreneurship is the integration of biosciences and entrepreneurship promoting innovative ideas from academia to industry. Unlike other areas, Bio-entrepreneurship is entirely academia empowered with the use of biological entities, related to sciences to acquire profit and establish a business. The main aspect is the one who wants to do bio entrepreneurship with the fundamentals of the promotional product idea and production have to organize him/herself to evolve in the phase of skills including marketing, raising investments, build a skilled team, and more. And the idea of the product to be established under bio-entrepreneurship should be based on a specific problem which is useful for the society covering the broader range of audience.
The sections of operation under bio-entrepreneurship furcates after the product development to different categories of practices per se., pre-launch, financial background, investments, seed funding, and venture capitals. Further, the concepts of marketing come into play in terms of developing business management, rewards, scaling up, dissemination, and social media management. Hence, Bio-entrepreneurship is the sum of all activities necessary to build an enterprise that creates, builds, and commercializes biotech products. Bioscience is moving forward in dynamic attributes and sooner will reach out for more demanded prospects and highly effective players towards the multi inclusion profile involving the commerce, economy, business, marketing, and entrepreneurship unfolding the impossible.