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The Internal Quality Assurance Cell and Centre for Capacity building organized 5 day faculty development programme on “Developing Next Generation Teachers in Higher Education” from 13.05.2024 to 17.05.2024 for the faculty members of Nehru Group of Institutions, Coimbatore. On 13.05.2024 (Day 1) the inaugural ceremony commenced with welcoming the gathering by
Dr. B. Anirudhan, Principal, Nehru Arts and Science College and he encouraged the participants to gain knowledge as much as possible by attending all sessions and discussing your queries with the experts. The lighting of lamps was done by all the dignitaries and Dr. H. N. Nagaraja, Executive Director – NGI, delivered presidential address. He inspired and motivated the faculty members and wished for the success of the FDP. The inaugural address was given by the resource person of the day Dr. R Parthasarathi, Consultant Psychologist, Manomithra Psychiatric Care & Counselling Center, Palakkad and he elaborated the attitudes and manners of good attitude.

Then, he explained how to manage stress by doing simple exercises to keep physical and mental health better. Also he explained how to stay calm and stay positive which makes an individual to stay healthy. Dr. S. Jayapriya, Dean, School of Creative Sciences acted as resource person for session 2 on OBE/ Curriculum development. She described about how the curriculum can be designed for the current scenario and measure their outcomes.

On day 2 (14.05.2024), session 3, Dr. B. Anirudhan, Principal, NASC explained about the process and importance of mentoring to understand the mind-set of students to guide them for their betterment. Dr. S. Saraswathi, Dean, Academic Affairs, clearly described about the importance of implementing the NEP 2020 in higher education institutions. Also explained about the online and digital education and the process of credit transfer can be done to the learners. Dr. Vignesh Ramamoorthy, Assistant Professor, Department of Cognitive Systems, Sri Krishna Arts and Science College defined about the generative AI and tools used for teaching and learning process.

On day 3 (15.05.2024), Dr. S. Arulselvan, Professor, Department of Electronic Media and Mass Communication, Pondicherry University, explained about importance of e-content development by using the software. Mr. Mukesh Kumar, Trainer, Resolute Electronics, Coimbatore demonstrated the working mechanism of interactive board for teaching, preparation of content and how it can be shared to the students. Dr. T. Sentil Kumar, Associate Professor, School of Computing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, Coimbatore explained about the availability of research opportunities and process of applying according to the requirement of the different agencies.

On day 4 (16.05.2024), Dr. S. Geetha and Dr. P. Kanchana from PSGR Krishnammal College for Women acted as resource person for “Question paper setting”. They explained how to prepare the questions according to the knowledge level and they insisted the faculty members to prepare questions on spot and to present. Session 10, was handled by Dr. B. Anirudhan, Principal, NASC termed about the ethics to be followed in their own profession to get satisfied and not to compromise themselves at any situation.Mr. Prabhul Anil Narayanan, Head of Operations, Dkatia Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd acted as resource person for session 11, he demonstrated how to use the ERP software to input the data and its importance to maintain database of both students and faculty members in the institution for the accreditation purpose.

On day 5 (17.05.2024), team building activity was held at Catering Science and Hotel Management department, all the faculty members and supporting staffs were divided into 16 teams to prepare food items. This activity made the faculty members to know about each other and helped among themselves which was a great experience to rejoice.

Outcome of the Event:

  1. The faculty members learned about the how to manage the stress, process of mentoring and how to maintain the records.
  2. Understood about the reforms of NEP 2020 in the higher education and its importance.
  3. Gained knowledge on the usage of AI tools, e-content development and usage of interactive/ smart board in teaching learning process.
  4. Understood about the writing research proposals for the funding agencies and how to set question papers according to the required knowledge levels.
  5. Learned about the use of ERP to maintain the database and its importance in the institution.
  6. Faculty members understood about how to work as a team to handle the situation and maintain professional ethics.